Transformers eHobby: Gold Jazz/Meister (Sealed)

A Collector’s Edition e-HOBBY exclusive, this version of Jazz is almost entirely constructed of vacuum-metalized gold plastic. Fingerprints and chipping, ahoy! It uses the degraded mold of the Transformers Collection figure, and was only available in a set with the “Anime Version” redeco of Bluestreak. Both figures came in the generic red Autobot packaging shared by nearly all eHobby figures.

Though this redeco resembles Jazz’s electrum-covered appearance in the episode “The Golden Lagoon”, this appears to be an unintentional coincidence; it is actually a recreation of an old Diaclone campaign prize.


Released in 2002 Gold Jazz was exclusive to e-Hobby Shop in Japan. The figure comes complete with the box still sealed. There is a slight crease in the flap (see pictures), but otherwise this figure is in great condition, and will display well in any collection loose or boxed.

Don’t miss your chance to own this great figure at a great price.

Price: SOLD